Wolf in the Wood's Gemlog

>Welcome to my den, (presumably) human! My name is Kuruk, I am a wolf philosopher and budding academic.

I discovered my love for reading when I took a some philosophy major's backpack when they stupidly left it at their camp with a cooler full of delectable porkchops.

My aim is to teach humans to be more wolvish, and for you to teach this old wolf how to be more human.

May we learn how together, human friends!

Drop me a line if you like (or have constructive criticism) of what I write:


Den Scrawlings

My Gemlog

2024-04-16 - From the Wolf's Den

2024-04-17 - The Cxyyziian Continuum Part 1.1

2024-04-19 - For All of Us Who Never Got the Chance

2024-04-20 - Basking in the Sunshine of a Distraction-Free Mind

2024-04-21 - Living in the Nooks and Crannies of Everyday Life

2024-04-22 - Peace at 50 Cents a Play

2024-04-28 - No Ghosts in the Machine if you Can't Turn it On

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🚀 gemini://wolfinthewoods.pollux.casa/