The Cxyyziian Continuum
Hrmph, you humans sure are strange. I found this odd book lying on the ground next to a strange smelling cigarette. I must say I am somewhat intrigued...
The Cxyyziian Continuum: Part 1.1
>The Cxyyziian Continuum, a name for a theory dealing with an unknown problem. Unknown, for none know the meaning of the continuum. It is quitely whispered in the halls of academia as an underlying principle of the fundemental building blocks of reality. Artist's insist it is the awarness of our continued selves across time and space. Wild shaman and dusty mystics claim it is the requisite formula for the transcendence of the soul. Whatever it may be it is the foremost mystery that is spoken of in the twisting neon lit corridors of Xantanthium Station, the nexus for the Centaur XI binary system just orbiting the massive giant planet Arreos.
The station has long been the social and commercial hub for Centaur XI and is the central hub for communications in the system. Two Young reporters, Arterros and Xorros belong to the newspaper (yes, newspaper! The Centauri XI system has outlawed electronic news for it's suseptibility to disinfo-hackers) "Décombres Des Ruines" (Rubble of the Ruins) a hard-hitting investigative journal centered on exposing powerful corrupt officials and businessmen.
Tonight their assignment tonight is to gain audience with Gurrmi Traax, the ambassador from Estric, Arreos' closest planetary neighbor who is said to have ties to the shady coporation Djinnippalli. Luckily he'll be having drinks at the Bearded Mantis Club where Arterros and Xorros' band, 'Quotil Cru and the Twisted Two', plays most nights.
All there's to do is try and get their way past his body guards and then gain Gurrmi Traax' trust.
The two now currently thrashing away on stage, Gurrmi is sitting at a table on the opposite end of the room from the stage, a large retinue of glamorous ladies and gold-bedecked gentlemen with exuisitely embroidered tuxes laugh and cajole with the ambassador.
With a subtle nod to each other, Arterros and Xorros get ready to roll the dice on their slapdash plan...
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